Author Archives: Urmas

Linux kernel: Hide Processes From Other Users

Just learned clever trick – use hidepid mount-option to hide processes from other users. Useful when managing shared servers. And it’s available since 2011 (patch released 2011, appeared in kernel 3.3 at 2012)! Try it out on live system Add … Continue reading

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KDE: when activities are messed up

Got into strange situation yesterday. I was poking some exotic key-compinations like alt+everything and ctrl+everything and <super>+everything, as suddenly all windows wanished. Whatta..!? It turned out, that it was <super>+S that stopped my current activity. But as I’m not acivity-user … Continue reading

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Updating synergy, “invalid shell library”

Just got problem, when tried to update synergy on my 64bit Win7 box. Seemed that installation went well, but when synergy started one line showed: ERROR: invalid shell library, use a newer synwinxt.dll Tried reinstall, and clicked on “Show details” … Continue reading

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PHP One Line Gallery

Just created new sub-page – Php One Line Gallery. It will be home of my short version of gallery code written in PHP.

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Gentoo: conflict between usbutils and hwids

Solution * remove usbutils * as at this point emerging usbutils is still impossible (now conflict with pciutils) remerge it * and now emerge usbutils

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Linux Mint 13 and sunoracle java

Although I’m on the way to move away from Linux Mint (epic shortage of functionality – it is a modern OS but you CAN’t dist-upgrade, in the same time – all other OS’es CAN do it) it still run’s on … Continue reading

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Kate and replace with regular expressions

Just got good experience with KDE’s Kate editor and must share it. You have piece of code, which looks like this and now you need to put those initializations of var’s to the first block also, getting variables from GET … Continue reading

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Force Moodle to put Dataroot under website root

Had to help install Moodle today. Pretty ugly experience comparing for example to wordpress installation. Main problem was that Moodle forces you to put dataroot directory outside of webroot directory. Not going to argue is it magic cure against all … Continue reading

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Linux Mint installation dvd asks username and password?

Downloaded and tried to install Linux Mint 12 today. After burning DVD and booting up it in my laptop I got username and password prompt in graphical interface. At first I tried mint/[no password], mint/mint, install/[no password] and so on … Continue reading

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rdesktop: how to switch off from fullscreen?

Looked for that solution alrady long time, but no acively – just thought about it – if using remote connection in Windows, there is additional bar on top of screen, but whatabout rdesktop? And as I found out, there is … Continue reading

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