“HTTP redirect status code must be a redirection code, 3xx.” after udating to WordPress version 5.4

Not entirely sure, from which version I upgraded, but admin-site started to show error “HTTP redirect status code must be a redirection code, 3xx.” in the mid of update. Probably some module was queried about update instructions and there was some version incompatibility.

I moved temporarily all plugins from wp-content/plugins directory away, reloaded admin page (after which database upgrade started). If I got back access to admin site, I moved module directories back to their original location and started modules update. All fine now. Uh!

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Gentoo: authdaemond marker line not found in /etc/courier/authlib/authmysqlrc (probably forgot to run sysconftool after an upgrade)

Long time no C.

Somewhat interesting day, made some updates to server and suddenly, errors on logs

Mar  8 10:49:19 myserver authdaemond[1078]: marker line not found in /etc/courier/authlib/authmysqlrc (probably forgot to run sysconftool after an upgrade)
Mar  8 10:49:19 myserver imapd-ssl[1166]: LOGIN FAILED, method=PLAIN, ip=[::ffff:xx.xx.xx.xx]

As I also just switched to new gcc, first thoughts were to revert gcc and also net-libs/courier-authlib versions, but no help. Google also didnt have much about it.. turned out, that at some point ( in my case for courier-authlib/courier-authlib-0.69.0 ) /etc/courier/authlib/authmysqlrc file got such change, that it must contain at the end:

# Do not remove this section from this configuration file. This section
# must be present at the end of this file.

As I reviewed file, I saw only changes for settings which were not important to my server and I ignored comment changes, I got hit by this error. Yeah.. from one side – configs have to be checked carefully, on the other hand.. maybe better wording in error, could help it solve in a better way?

Updated also my wordpress engine, so first post over long time with new code:)

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“Is it payday?” released

Great news, it is released and available to everyone!


And another great news – version 1.1 is on the line getting ready – added widget and changed some texts (including title of the app). Internally refactored businesslogic placement (moved out from Activity, to allow widget to use same engine to calculate payday)


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Excited, publishing first app in Google Play

My first app – IsItPayDay, is currently in Pending status on Play. Very excited. Has been about 2 days, from upgrading studio, started new project, got core running, almost cried when first time tried add “preferences” to app and then figured out, that this is something like 30min-work, registered as developer and now waiting when app gets published. O boy!

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Google Developers Console, API Credentials

Mental note to self: if changing API Credentials (adding Authorized redirect URIs or allowed IPs).. give a minute to changes to take effect.

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Google+ API and Communities

Uh, about two weeks ago I got an idea to write little webpage which would create additional layer upon G+ community and would ease moderation (cheking posts against rules as much as possible) but after few hours work and running examples… I discovered that this API doesn’t include communities.. whatta sad story. Once it was enabled, but not anymore.
There is open ticket

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KDE Neon5 project, running it in VirtualBox

I had a problem when tried to run latest Neon5 iso. Got such result:


To get resolved this problem, I tried change many settings, and finally got the one that really mattered: VM Settings -> System -> Acceleration and there disable “Enable Nested Paging” :


After installing, when installation iso is removed and new machine is ready to run, enable it again, because otherwise virtualmachine would be notably slow. At least so it was on my computer.

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So, as you see, new captcha plugin is in action and doing well. Just uploaded version 0.2 – added admin page where one can see three numbers – generated words, failed and correctly inserted captchas. We’ll see how it behaves with real-word bots in longer term. Opensource rocks!

Only one thing disturbs me, namely if no correct word is inserted, plugin error is displayed, and if back-button is pressed, some browsers clean all form, some leave all previous data in, and whats worse – some reload captcha image (and that’s good) as others display old image, witch is ofcourse not correct anymore…

Edit: Human-reader? Please post a comment, is it easy-to-use-captcha?

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WordPress auto-update

Just did that, it is AWESOME!

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Install rdesktop 1.8.2 on Ubuntu 14.04

For some reason, this package hasn’t yet arrived to Ubuntu’s repositories, but if you are hardcore everyday rdesktop-user, you know, that 1.7 doesn’t play well with newer windows servers. So, I took steps.

$ sudo apt-get install libgssglue1
$ wget http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/r/rdesktop/rdesktop_1.8.2-1_amd64.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i rdesktop_1.8.2-1_amd64.deb

* step1 – I didn’t have libgssglue1 package installed, but rdesktop 1.8 needs it, so I installed it. Also, if you have some other dependencies missing, install it. dpkg will tell about it.
* step2 – url for package I installed. If you have some other archidecture, you can find your package here https://packages.debian.org/sid/rdesktop
* step2 – and install the downloaded package.


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